The Merchant of Venice


The Merchant of Venice in which a merchant in 16th century Venice must default on a large loan provided by an abused Jewish moneylender.

“Racism, love, secrets and loans. The play strikes true to certain parts of the modern world as well as the time it was set and written. It is compelling that Shakespeare was able to write about such things in a way that fitted into the comical manner of the era. To a modern reader, it isn’t so much comical but instead a tragedy and something that shows all the things that are wrong with the world.”

-The Guardian

1 vorrätig


Veröfentlichung 2018-10-31
ISBN 6057972408
Druckauflage 1. Baskı
Seiten 168
Art Karton Kapak
Papierart Kitap Kağıdı
Maße 13.5 x 19.5 cm
ISBN 9786057972408